Right of fellow Muslim 

Bi ismi he ta’ala 

Right of fellow Muslim 

الحمد لله وكفى وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى  

اما بعد  

Respectable elders – brothers and friends. 

Allah Ta’ala sent us to this World, but He did not send us  alone, rather He sent us into families, surrounding with  people. 

Each one in the family has responsibilities. Each one in the  Family has rights. 

We will Insha Allah discuss regarding the fulfilment of Rights  and the importance of fulfilling of Rights. 

Firstly, we have the rights of Allah Ta’ala (Hoqooq ul llah).  This holds the highest priority and is the most important.  This is to fulfil the commends of Allah Ta’ala, such as  performance of Salaah – giving of Zakaah – Fasting in the  Month of Ramadhan – Hajj – Qurbaani – Etc. 

Together with Hoqaaq ul llah we have Hoqooq ul Ibaad. 

Hoqooq ul ibaad is the rights of Fellow creation. Rights of  people and animals around us. The most important rule in  Hoqooq ul Ibaad is, as we learn from the Hadith of our 

beloved Nabi Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi  wasallam:  

“A Muslim is that person from whom other Muslims are safe  from his tongue and hands”. 

This is the most important, that I will not hurt the next  person by my tongue or by my hands. If each person can  have this statement in front of him all the time, this person  will be the beloved of all people, everyone will love him. 

The 1st group of people that deserve the greatest amount  of rights to be fulfil are our parents. 

As we are told in the Quraan regarding parents,  

“Do not say oof to them, when you speak to them speak kind  words”. 

It is the child’s responsibility to look after his parents. Our  beloved Nabi Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam  said: 

“may that person be disgraced or destroyed 

(Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam says this 3 times)  The Sahaabah asked “Who, O Nabi of Allah”  

Our beloved Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam replied, 

“the one who finds his parents in old ages and does not enter  into Jannah”

From this Hadith we come to learn that the one who is at the  service of his parents will Insha Allah enter Jannat. 

The 2nd group of people that need our attention and  deserve that we fulfil their rights are our Spouse. 

We learn from a Hadith, Muawiyah ibn Haydah narrates:  

I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, “What right does a wife have  over the husband?”  

Our beloved Nabi Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi  wasallam replied:  

“That you feed her when you yourself eat.  

You clothe her when you clothe yourself.  

That you do not strike her on her face.  

That you do not be abusive to her.  

That you do not sever relations with her family”. 

The 3rd group of people that need our attention and  deserve that we fulfil their rights are our children. 

We learn from the Hadith that the most important right of  the parents to their children is that they help and guide their  children on good and towards good character and inculcate  good manners in them. 

We can understand from the Hadith, Our beloved Nabi  Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: 

“the right of a child is that a father should give a good name  to the child,  

get the child married when he reaches the age of maturity, 

and that the father should encourage good manners in the  child”. 

The 4th group of people that need our attention and  deserve that we fulfil their rights are our neighbours and  our relatives. 

Allah says in the Quraan:  

“worship Allah and ascribe none as partners with him and be  kind to parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, near  neighbours, distant neighbours,” 

Neighbours can refer to various types of people: we can  have Muslims, Non-Muslims, pious, open sinners, enemies,  strangers, and family members. Each of these groups has a  different rank and status, therefore, they should be dealt  with accordingly. 

Our beloved Nabi Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi  wasallam says in a Hadith:  

“Jibra’il continually advised me about a neighbour until I  thought that he would make him my heir”. 

Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam says in a Hadith:  

“by Allah, he is not a believer, by Allah, he is not a believer,  by Allah, he is not a believer

Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam was asked  

“who O messenger of Allah?  

He sallallahu alaihi wasallam replied:  

“one whose neighbour is not safe from his evil”. 

Regrading relatives Our beloved Nabi Hadhrat Muhammad  sallallahu alaihi wasallam says, 

“one who believes in Allah and the last day should maintain  family ties.” 

And Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam says:  

“one who desires an expansion in his sustenance and an  extension in his life should maintain his ties of kinship.” 

The 5th group of people that need our attention and  deserve that we fulfil their rights are All the Muslims. 

Our beloved Nabi Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi  wasallam said  

“None of you can be a believer till he loves for his brother  what he loves for himself”. 

Our beloved Nabi Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi  wasallam said  

“A Muslim has 5 rights over another Muslim:  

1. Replying to his greeting,  

2. Visiting the sick, 

3. Attending a funeral,  

4. Accepting an invitation,  

5. Saying yarhamukallah to the person who sneezes. Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam says, 

“A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim”. 

May Allah Ta’ala give us all the understanding and ability to  fulfil all the rights of all people.  


Lorem Ipsum

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